Sheridan Test, Black Belt Club & Stripe Testing

The following rank promotions were given on May 27th, at the Sheridan Test.

Blue Belt – 1
Senior Brown Belt – 1

Afterwards, the Black Belt Club met and stripe testing was held for those getting ready for black belt. Black Belt Club meets on Wednesdays 7:00pm at the Sheridan Rec. Center. Students interested in attending should be Brown (and above) and pay regular facility use. Currently, there are 11 students preparing for 1st degree and 2 preparing for 2nd degree. For those working towards 1st degree, there are five colored belt stripes.

White – Paper turned in.
Yellow – Chung Mu form
Green – Testing experience (watching from tester’s perspective)
Red – Basics
Blue – All Forms (4 Directional Punch to Chung Mu)

The next stripe testing will be held after the next belt test. The next test day is planned to coincide with the Forms in the Park event. Forms in the Park is tentatively set for July. Last year, we demonstrated at the Sheridan Bash Barbeque following Forms in the Park. If people are interested in doing a Barbeque let Mr. R. Kreinbrink, II Dan know by June 12th.

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