Free Martial Arts Demonstration

A free martial arts demonstration was held at the Sheridan Rec. on November 1st from 9:30-10:15am. The event opened with a sword demonstration by Mr. Kreinbrink, II Dan. 7 students then performed their own demonstrations in a ‘Demo-Off.’ Student demonstrations included basics, a combination, forms, self-defense, breaking and a weapons demo. The crowd was given the opportunity to vote for their favorite student demonstrations. Mr. Kreinbrink, II Dan then closed with a fan demonstration. The votes were tallied and 3 gemstone trophies were awarded for the 3 top demos, determined by the audience in attendance. Congratulations to Mr. Archuleta for his Nunchaku Form, Mr. Green for his Combination and Won-Hyo Form and Mr. Maxwell, jr. 1st dan for his Self-Defense and Breaking demonstration. Students then posed for pictures. Additionally it was determined that next year a Demo-Off will take place again instead of another tournament. Many thanks to those who demonstrated Mr. Maxwell, Mr. Archuleta, Mr. M. Maxwell, Mr. Thorn, Mr. Green, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Sharp and Mr. L. Kreinbrink.

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