Farewell to Young Champions of Colorado

YCOC has decided to pull out of Colorado for reasons beyond my control. However, it has been a lot of fun. I started with the company in 1998 and worked in many different areas of the office, including security where needed at events. I became part of their team ironically during a transfer within the Sakidokwan, because my instructor was teaching for Young Olympians Karate, a.k.a. Young Champions of Colorado. In 2003, I became a YCOC instructor myself and taught 2 schools. In 2004, I received full instructor certification and taught 7 schools. In 2005, I was “Instructor of the Year” and taught 9 schools. In 2006, I received another outstanding service award, veteran instructor certification, formed a demo team and taught 10 schools. In 2007, Young Champions of Colorado, Inc. bids Colorado farewell as I continue forward! Come join me and continue forward towards achieving your own Black Belt.

Sensei Robert Kreinbrink, YCOC
Sa Bum Robert Kreinbrink, Sakidokwan

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