CTK Test, Demo and Awards

Testing at Christ the King was held on May 19th. A total of 14 Students tested for the next belt rank. Additionally, Mr. G. Nakamura, I Dan and 5 Senior Brown Belts attended.

Demonstrations began on May 26th at 7:15pm. Students performed Basics and the Form 4-Directional Punch (Sa-Ju Chireugi) as a Group. Then each rank performed basics and combinations for their level. Highlights included student’s choice combinations of:

Brown – Spinning Reverse Turning Kick + Front + Turning Kick + Turning Back Kick
Senior Brown – 1-Step Jump Front Snap Kick + Tornado Kick + Turning Kick + Turning Back Kick
Some Impromptu Combinations were given by the instructor and students.
Most, additionally, chose to perform another form for the audience. Next students performed self-defense techniques on the instructor. Defenses included:
White – Straight Wrist Grab, Reversed Straight Wrist Grab, Cross Wrist Grab and Double Wrist Grab
Yellow – 3 Different Double One Arm Grabs, Unfriendly Handshake and Roman Knuckles
Green – Pulling Wrist Grab, Chicken Wing, Rear Duo Wrist Grab and Versus Punch
Blue – Lapel Grab, Double Lapel Grab, Lapel Grab & Punch, 2 Belt Grabs, Versus Punch, Versus Kick and the impromptu Belt Grab & Punch
Senior Orange – Joint Locks, Model Sparring and Versus Turning Kick
Red – Joint Locks, Model Sparring and Versus Student’s Choice Hammerfist
Senior Red – Impromptus, Impromptu Grabs with Attacks, Versus Student’s and Instructor’s Choice
Brown – Against Wall, Running Attacks Kneeling, Seated, Student’s Choice, 2 Attackers and Instructor’s Choice
Senior Brown – Impromptu Grabs, Versus 1 or 2, Student’s and Instructor’s Choice

Senior Brown Belts demonstrated breaking techniques. Students then received their Belts and Certificates. Advanced students then demonstrated a Sai Form and the class posed for pictures.

The following rank promotions were awarded following the Demonstration:
Yellow – 2
Green – 1
Blue – 2
Purple – 2
Red – 2
Senior Red -2
Brown – 2
Senior Brown – 1


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