CTK Fitness Challenge Record Breaking Streak Continues

The Fitness Challenge started the 3rd exercise with another record break. Mr. CC, a Senior Brown Belt completed 51 Frog-Jumps beating the old record of 50 set in August 2007. (Way to Go!)

During the 4th Exercise, 9 students through an amazing display of dedication and perseverance overcame the old record for sit-ups that was set in January 2008.

Mr. LB, Blue Belt – 105 Sit-Ups
Mr. AS, Sr. Brown Belt – 110 Sit-Ups
Ms. SW, Sr. Brown Belt – 110 Sit-Ups
Mr. MW, Sr. Brown Belt 120 Sit-Ups
Mr. GN, Black Belt – 120 Sit-Ups
Ms. JB, Sr. Brown Belt – 130 Sit-Ups
Mr. DW, Sr. Brown Belt – 136 Sit-Ups
Ms. LW, Brown Belt – 153 Sit-Ups
Mr. CC, Sr. Brown Belt – 154 Sit-Ups (New Record)

Congratulations to each student who beat the old record. A five dollar gift certificate towards merchandise purchase will be awarded to each of the 8 students at the end of the Fitness Challenge and Mr. CC will receive a ten dollar gift certificate towards merchandise purchase. The 2 remaining exercises of the Fitness Challenge include Jumping Jacks and Cannon Balls (aka Squat Thrusts.)

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