Congratulations Graduates and No Class Memorial Day

Congratulations to those students graduating high school this year. Today, I have attended the first of many high school graduation ceremonies. In order to help one lucky student, per year, with college, I will be offering a small scholarship to one local deserving student, who goes above and beyond in furthering the spirit, tenets and art of Saki Do Kwan Taekwon-Do. Congratulations to Ms. J. Burkhart, the first recipient. Her outstanding merits this year include going above and beyond by achieving a 1st GUP rank, helping lower ranking students, winning the 2nd Annual Martial Arts Demo-Off, assisting regularly at classes and promoting Taekwon-Do inside and outside the Do-Jang.

No Classes will be held on Monday, May 25th, 2009, in observance of Memorial Day.

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