Sheridan Bash Demo

The Sheridan Bash Demo was a success, regardless of the snowstorm and road conditions. Mr. MM and BD, Senior Brown Belts broke 2 B. Boards each. Mr. MM demonstrated a front snap kick and Mr. BD demonstrated a palm strike. Mr. B. Dufey, Brown Belt broke 2 Boards with a knifehand strike. Mr. M. Maxwell, Blue Belt broke 2 B. Boards with a front backfist. Mr. R. Kreinbrink, II Dan attempted to break 6 bricks and tie the record held by Mr. W. Cederburg, IV Dan and completed 5 of the 6 bricks, he then hit again breaking the bottom brick. A free class was taught, three White Belt attendees were enlightened to learn that the boards broke, were made of wood and the bricks, were made of concrete. They informed us that they’ve seen others, before, that fixed their breaking materials. After the class black belt hopefuls demonstrated their basics and 9 of their forms from 4 Directional Punch to Toi-Gye. Great job everyone!!

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