2nd Annual Martial Arts Demo-Off

The 2nd Annual Martial Arts Demo-Off took place at the Sheridan Rec. Center on April 4th, 2009. Students demonstrated different aspects of the martial arts. The free event, which is open to the public, then allows for the audience in attendance to vote for their favorites. The event opened with Mr. Kreinbrink, II Dan performing the form Gae-Baek. 6 students then performed their own demonstrations in a ‘Demo-Off.’ The crowd was then given the opportunity to vote for their favorite student demonstrations. Mr. Kreinbrink, II Dan then closed with a multiple weapon demonstration of 5 different weapons. The fan, escrima/nunchaku, 2 nunchaku, sai and sword, each one following the next. The votes were then tallied. Congratulations to Ms. Burkhart and Ms. Wagner, who received 1st Place for demonstrating Basics and a Staff Form. Mr. Campbell received 2nd Place for his Freestyle Taekwon-Do routine. 3rd Place was a close decision. Ms. K. Kreinbrink received 1/2 a point more from the tally, however, Ms. Lindsey received more top votes. It was determined that 3rd place would go to Ms. Lindsey for her Freestyle routine. (It has also been determined that an honorable mention will be given to Ms. K. Kreinbrink and she will receive a trophy for her Basics routine.) All students who participated in the demonstrations received a participation certificate and a semi-precious gem of approximate color to their belt rank. Many thanks to those who demonstrated Ms. Burhart, Mr. Campbell, Ms. K. Kreinbrink, Mr. L. Kreinbrink, Ms. Lindsey and Ms. Wagner.

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