Master David Barbero

Mr. Barbero began training in September 1983 with Master Joseph Petty at Petty’s Power TaeKwonDo in Rock Springs, Wyoming. David earned a 1st Dan in June 1986. While in Rock Spring Mr. Barbero also trained along side of Master Kaumo, Master Hartsorn.

In September 1989, Mr. Barbero moved to Laramie to attend the University of Wyoming. There he paired up with Master Kaumo to begin teaching for the University School of Extended Studies. In December 1989, Mr. Barbero tested for his 2nd Dan. In 1991 Mr. Barbero & Master Kaumo took their school out of the University to the Laramie Civic Center and began teaching privately. During this time their most noted student was Mr. Jim Kreinbrink who tested for his 1st Dan during this time. It was during this time that Master Kaumo, Mr. Barbero, and Mr. Kreinbrink began discussing and writing the by-laws which have since evolved into the SakiDoKwan. In 1992, Master Kaumo graduated from the University and moved on, leaving Mr. Barbero to take over the school on his own. During the summer of 1992, Mr. Barbero tested for his 3rd Dan. Mr. Barbero cut back the size of the classes and continued to run the school until March of 1994.

After graduating from college, Mr. Barbero moved to Evanston in June of 1994. In early 1995 he began teaching again first in his garage and then renting a small space. In 1995 Mr. Barbero successfully completed his 1st Dan test in HapKiDo and began to incorporate that knowledge into his Tae Kwon Do classes. During this time, Mr. Barbero instructed several regional instructors and oversaw their black belt tests and further promoting martial arts in Southwest Wyoming. In 1996 Mr. Barbero performed a demonstration in front of Master Petty, Master Kaumo, and other members from around the country to be promoted to the rank of 4th Dan. In 1997 Mr. Barbero moved his class to the Evanston City Recreation Center and expanded his classes to include children and adults.

In March of 1999 Mr. Barbero moved from Wyoming to Eugene/Springfield Oregon where he currently resides. During this time, Mr. Barbero assisted Mr. Krienbrink in preparing for his 3rd Dan test, as well as regularly traveled to Albequerque NM to assist Master Kaumo with Black Belt tests. In June 2001, Master Petty awared a 5th Dan to Mr. Barbero for his extra efforts in assiting the association and other schools.

Since 2001, Master Barbero has focused on trianing in Hap Ki Do. In that year, a small club was started with several staff from the University of Oregon taking lessons. Master Barbero developed a basic Hap Ki Do curriculum combining his 10 years of training into a systematic progression of techniques. After demonstrating this curriculum to the Saki Do Kwan Board, Master Barbero earned a 2nd Dan in Hap Ki Do. Master Barbero also received international rank certification in 2004 for his Hapkido and Taekwondo certificates.

Master Barbero continues to train in Hap Ki Do. Currently he trains with Grandmaster Ron Suggs of the Hurk Choo Kwan. Master Barbero has received rank certification from Grandmaster Suggs in 2005 and can now offer instruction in that style as well. Master Barbero has also trained in Akido, Kajukenbo, and Kosho, incorperating some ideas into his system of Hap Ki Do.

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